• Ivana

Eva Strothotte interviews for Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)

In an interview for Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF), Eva Strothotte, from the UNITED German pilot, speaks about the offshore algae cultivation. Eva Strothotte mentioned that she works on testing offshore algae cultivation to address the challenges of space use at sea. With various activities such as windparks, shipping traffic, military bases, and aquaculture needing space, Eva aims to cultivate algae in areas around wind farms or in combination with other aquaculture.

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Eva pointed out that safety is a significant concern, especially with storms and high waves happening offshore. The technology needs to be mature enough to withstand these conditions, and research projects are currently working on solving these issues.

To learn more, watch the full interview with Eva Strothotte online at Play SRF portal here.